an astrological approach to skincare
Astrologie is based on the concept that the stars know all—including which skincare works best for each person. The founder is a polyglot who has studied astrology and the science of skincare, and has designed a highly customizable skincare line based on the signs of the zodiac.
An iconic brand identity
My goal was to combine:
the letter “A”
+ west-coast style
+ stars and the idea of astrology
+ a human touch
For Astrologie, I felt that a successful logo would both convey the cool-girl style and artistic west-coast sensibility of the brand, as well as capturing the concept of skincare designed by the stars.
The concept was to blend the new with the old: the illustration style of the hand was inspired by the illustrations of ancient star charts, while the clean symmetry of the isosceles triangle gave the logo a modern touch. And because I designed it to also be the letter “A”, the logo captures multiple meanings within one image, which lends itself to a dynamic and deeply layered brand identity.